“Being a manager of safety comes with many challenges. I have learned over time that the traditional style of safety compliance training, such as videos, generic presentations, etc., may not be totally effective for ensuring our employees understand the pertinent information presented, and how to utilize that information as part of their every day life.
safetyBUILT-IN has taught me the difference between just maintaining compliance, and changing the way I think and what I believe about safety, as well as incorporating safety into my own core values.
The concept of “Leading Safety as a Core Value” gives employees a new way of thinking about their own actions, and how unsafe behavior can have a detrimental impact on their loved ones, and others around them. It also provides opportunity for individuals to gain the knowledge necessary to address unsafe behavior in others in a positive manner.
Incorporating the safetyBUILT-IN concepts into our existing safety program is proving to be a successful combination.”
Tim Brooks | Manager of Environmental, Health, and Safety | Standard Motor Products